FB Sources Limitations

When adding Facebook sources, specific restrictions may affect post retrieval and content access. Here are the key limitations:

General (All Facebook Sources):

  • Due to Facebook/Meta policies, Curator cannot pull media (videos or images) from posts created by personal accounts.
  • Posts shared from personal accounts may still appear in your Feed but will lack associated media.
  • Facebook Reels aren't officially supported yet.
  • Cannot pull posts or shared posts that are flagged for a copyright. 

Page Mention Source:

  • Initially retrieves up to 20 posts (from most recent to oldest) when added. Subsequent updates will pull new posts, limited to this number per refresh.
  • Personal Accounts: Cannot pull mention posts made by users or personal Facebook accounts.

Visitor Posts Source:

  • Not supported for Facebook Pages that have been converted to or are using the "New Pages Experience."
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