Feed Mobile Compatibility and Responsiveness

Most feed styles are mobile-responsive and automatically adapt to the screen size of the device on which they are being viewed.  

You can check out this sample feed: View Demo Feed. This Demo feed uses the Grid style and is configured to display 2 rows.

When viewed on mobile devices or devices with smaller screens, the feed may not display the same number of posts due to the limited screen space. However, it will still adhere to the defined number of rows and  other settings.

For feed styles—especially the newer ones—that are not yet mobile-responsive, have the option on the Publish page to automatically convert the feed into a grid view when viewed on mobile or smaller screen devices.

Additionally, you have the option to create completely separate layouts for different viewports (e.g., desktop, tablet, mobile). This allows you to achieve the desired look and feel for each screen size or device. Each layout can use a different style and generates its own unique embed code. This approach involves some coding on your end to ensure that the specific viewports are correctly targeted.

Important Notes:

  • While most modern browsers support our feed styles, older versions of Internet Explorer might not fully support certain features.
  • While our feeds are optimized for performance, please note that some customizations made on your end, especially heavy ones, may affect loading times on mobile devices.
  • Our feeds are designed with accessibility in mind. For more detailed information on accessibility features and guidelines, please refer to this Accessibility Article.
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