Instagram Hashtag Limitations - 30 hashtags per week
Due to a limitation imposed by Meta/Facebook - each Instagram Business Account can query up to 30 different hashtag sources within a 7 day period. If your account hits the limitation you may see the error:
You have reached the Instagram hashtag limit imposed by Instagram of 30 hashtags per week. Please use another account...
This can sometimes occur if your Instagram Business Account is also being used with another aggregator.
This means a single Instagram Business Account can access up to 30 hashtags on an ongoing basis. If you need to add more than 30 Instagram hashtag sources, your account would need multiple Instagram Business Accounts connected.
Below is a breakdown of Instagram Hashtag Source's limitations:
- 7-Day Timer: When a hashtag source is added, a 7-day timer starts for that hashtag slot.
- If the source is left to update, that hashtag slot will be used indefinitely.
- Removing a Source: If the source is removed, the hashtag slot will become available again after the 7-day timer expires.
- Re-Adding a Source: If the source is removed and then re-added, it will use the same hashtag slot as before.
- Error Message: If all hashtag slots are used, you'll see the error:
You have reached the Instagram hashtag limit imposed by Instagram of 30 hashtags per week. Please use another account... - Account-Specific Limit: The limit of 30 hashtags per week is specific to each Instagram Business Account. You can increase your limit by connecting additional Instagram Business Accounts.
Other limitations:
- 24-Hours Limit: Instagram only allows us to find hashtag posts from the last 24 hours from the date you added the source, posts older than this timeframe will not be pulled.
- Initial Post Limit: When added as a source, it initially pulls up to 20–25 posts and continues to pull new posts within this limit during each refresh. Reference.
- Privacy Policy: Hashtag Source won't include any personally identifiable information such as name, Instagram handle or profile picture.
- Hashtag Source can't pull promoted/boosted/ads media.
- Instagram Carousel-Type Posts: Videos within Instagram Carousel Posts are not currently supported. If a carousel post contains a video, the video will be automatically ignored and hidden when pulled into your Feed. As an alternative, you can embed the carousel post into your Feed. Reference.
- Copyrighted Content: The source cannot pull posts that contain copyrighted material or have been flagged for copyright violations. Reference.