Connection Problems

If you are having problems with permissions on your account, please try this:

STEP 1. Find the connection you're having issues with on your 'Social connections' page ( and click Disconnect

(If the connection is already disconnected, please proceed to Step 2)

STEP 2. On the same connection, click "Yes" to confirm the revocation of access and click "Reconnect".

Reminder:  Before proceeding to Step 3, please ensure that you are logged into the same account you intend to reconnect.

STEP 3.  Click " Continue with Facebook", and you'll then be redirected to Facebook.

STEP 4. Click "Edit access".

STEP 5.  In the ' Edit requested access', all Instagram accounts and Facebook pages may be initially selected. However, you have the option to deselect all and then specifically choose the Instagram accounts you wish to connect, along with the associated Facebook Page(s) for those Instagram account(s) you selected.


  • If you have multiple Instagram Business accounts and some are being used by your active sources, please make sure to keep these accounts selected during the reconnection process to preserve the connectivity to the existing sources you have.
  • Make sure to also select the Facebook page that's linked/associated to the Instagram Business account you're trying to reconnect with Curator.
    (If you're unsure about which Facebook page is linked to your Instagram account, you may refer to this guide: It includes instructions on 'How to confirm that a Facebook Page has a linked Instagram Business Account.' and check across your Facebook pages.)
  • Ensure that ALL access and permissions for the selected Instagram Business account(s) and their associated Facebook page(s) are enabled across all permission levels.

STEP 6. Then, click the (X) to close.

STEP 7. Click 'Continue as....' and you'll be redirected back to Curator. 

STEP 8. Voila ! Your connection(s) is now fixed. You may try adding the source again or proceed Customizing your Feed.

Important Note: When reconnecting an Instagram Business account, you must also reconnect the Facebook connection (if you've connected a Facebook account) if both are linked to the same Facebook account (vice versa).

This means that when an account (either Instagram or Facebook) is reconnected, the other should be manually reconnected as well if both are linked to the same IG/Facebook account. To 'reconnect', simply add the connection again. See the screenshot below:

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